How To Remove A Scoreboard In Minecraft

A screenshot of a scoreboard on the right side of the screen.
The scoreboard arrangement is a circuitous gameplay mechanic utilized through commands. Mainly intended for mapmakers and server operators, scoreboards are used to track, set, and list the scores of entities in a myriad of different means.
- 1 Objectives
- 1.1 Criteria
- one.1.1 Java Edition
- 1.i.1.1 Single criteria
- i.1.1.2 Compound criteria
- Bedrock Edition
- one.1.1 Java Edition
- 1.1 Criteria
- two Display slots
- 3 Tags
- 4 Teams
- 5 Control reference
- 5.1 Objectives commands
- five.two Players commands
- 5.three Tags commands
- 5.4 Teams commands
- half-dozen NBT format
- 7 History
- eight Bug
- ix References
Objectives [ ]
Objectives each have three principal variables: A proper noun, a benchmark, and a display proper noun. Objectives rail a number of points for entities, and are stored and displayed every bit integers with a full score range of -ii,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647.
An objective'south name is used internally for referencing in commands, target arguments, and the file format. In Java Edition, the allowed character set up for it includes all lowercase and uppercase messages, numbers, underscore, period, minus and plus. In Bedrock Edition, information technology can contain whatever character.
An objective's display proper noun is a raw JSON text and is displayed publicly in various situations. It does not have to be unique.
An objective's criterion determines its behavior—primarily what to runway. Lists of valid criteria are provided below.
An entity's score in whatever objective can exist inverse via commands unless it's read-merely (see #Criteria). It tin can exist increased past, decreased by, or set to a given amount with commands.
A score holder is a player's name or an entity's UUID that has scores in an objective. Player proper name doesn't need to be a real one. Scores of non-thespian entities can be inverse only by commands, and not by game system. Unlike players, when a not player entity dies, its scores are deleted.
Commands can check entity scores past using target selector with the scores
argument (syntaxed @due east[scores={<name>=<min>..<max>}]
. This argument uses <name> to specify the internal proper noun of the tested-for objective.
- For case, in Java Edition, inputting
/execute if entity @a[scores={deaths=ane..}]
into a command cake triggers a comparator or conditional command cake if whatever player has died at to the lowest degree once, assuming "deaths" is an objective of the "deathCount" criterion.
Criteria [ ]
Java Edition [ ]
Single criteria [ ]
- These criteria'south names consist of a single alphabetical cord.
Criterion name Description Tin can be modified dummy Score is only changed past commands, and non by game events such every bit decease. This is useful for event flags, state mappings, currencies,... Yeah trigger Score is just changed by commands, and not by game events such equally death. The /trigger
command can be used past a player to set or increment/decrement their own score in an objective with this criterion. The/trigger
command fails if the objective has non been "enabled" for the actor using it, and the objective is disabled for the player after using the/trigger
command on it. Note that the/trigger
command tin exist used by ordinary players even if Cheats are off and they are not an Operator. This is useful for player input via/tellraw
interfaces.Yes deathCount Score increments automatically for a histrion when they dice. Aye playerKillCount Score increments automatically for a player when they impale another actor. Yes totalKillCount Score increments automatically for a histrion when they kill another player or a mob. Yeah wellness Ranges from 0 to 20 on a normal player; represents the amount of half-hearts the player has. May appear equally 0 for players earlier their health has inverse for the first fourth dimension. Actress hearts and absorption hearts also count to the wellness score, significant that with Attributes/Modifiers or the Health Boost or Absorption status effects, health tin far surpass 20. No xp Matches the full amount of feel the actor has nerveless since their last death (or in other words, their score). No level Matches the electric current experience level of the player. No food Ranges from 0 to twenty; represents the amount of hunger points the player has. May appear as 0 for players before their foodLevel has inverse for the first fourth dimension. No air Ranges from 0 to 300; represents the amount of air the player has left from swimming nether h2o, matches the air nbt tag of the player. No armor Ranges from 0 to 20; represents the amount of armor points the player has. May announced as 0 for players before their armor has changed for the first time. No
Compound criteria [ ]
- Compound criteria's names are divided into parts, delimited with periods (.). For example,
is a valid compound benchmark, nether which player scores would increase whenever they're killed by zombie.
- All objectives based on compound criteria is writable and can be modified with commands.
- All statistics can be used as a chemical compound criterion whose name is its namespaced ID. Player statistics are stored separately from the scoreboard, and every bit they update, scores in these objectives are updated in parallel.
- In add-on, there are some other compound criteria:
Criteria base name | Clarification | Number of sub-criteria | ||
teamkill. | Sub-criteria include team colors. Player scores increment when a player kills a member of the given colored squad. These criteria follow the complete format
| 16 | ||
killedByTeam. | Sub-criteria include team colors. Player scores increment when a player has been killed by a member of the given colored team. These criteria follow the complete format
| 16 |
Bedrock Edition [ ]
Currently, dummy
is the only criterion supported. Every bit such, score can only be changed past commands.
Display slots [ ]

An objective with two points to the thespian is displayed in the "listing" slot, while an objective with the display proper noun "Quest Points" with 0 points to the histrion is displayed in the "sidebar" slot.
Via the /scoreboard objectives setdisplay
control (see control reference), players' scores in specific objectives can be displayed in sure 'slots' in-game. Each 'display slot' tin show ane objective at a time, and multiple 'brandish slots' may be used for the same or different objectives.
Slot | Description |
list | Displays a yellowish number or some hearts (/scoreboard objectives alter <objective> rendertype (hearts|integer) ) without a heading on the tab menu, where online players are shown.[ Java Edition only ] Displays a white number without a heading on the Pause Menu, where online players are shown.[ Bedrock Edition only ] Visible fifty-fifty in singleplayer. |
sidebar | Shows on the right mitt side of the screen. Shows up to xv entities with the highest score of that objective with a heading labeled with the objective's <DisplayName>. Note that players are shown even if offline, and untracked players are not shown. In addition, fake players with names starting with a # exercise not testify up in the sidebar under any circumstances. |<color> [ Coffee Edition only ] | There are sixteen team-specific sidebar display slots. These operate the same as the standard sidebar slot, merely simply display to players who are on teams which use the specified color (for case, "" displays to players on "light-green" teams). Valid colors are: "black", "dark_blue", "dark_green", "dark_aqua", "dark_red", "dark_purple", "gold", "grayness", "dark_gray", "bluish", "dark-green", "aqua", "cherry-red", "light_purple", "yellowish", "white". |
belowName | Shows the <Score> followed by the objective's <DisplayName> below the player's nametag in a higher place their head. This is subconscious across ~10 blocks and when the player is sneaking. Not visible in singleplayer. |
Tags [ ]
Tags are a simple listing of single-word strings stored directly in the Tags information tag of an entity. As with objectives, tags are case-sensitive.
Target selectors can be used to bank check whether an entity has a tag with the "tag" argument.
Teams [ ]
"squad" redirects here. For the control, come across Commands/team.
A squad's all variables are: a name, a brandish name, a member name prefix, a member proper noun suffix, a boolean allow friendly fire pick, and a listing of players who are on the team.
A team's Name is used internally for reference in commands, target arguments, and the file format. It is a single, instance-sensitive word.
A team's DisplayName is a JSON text component of one or more than case-sensitive discussion, and is displayed publicly in various situations.
A team's Fellow member Proper name Prefix & Member Proper name Suffix are inserted earlier and subsequently the names of players on the team, respectively. Prefixes and suffixes are used in the chat, the agile players list, the sidebar, and above team members' heads. These tin can be edited with respective commands.
The AllowFriendlyFire selection controls whether or not members of a squad are able to harm each other. This defaults to truthful, leaving PvP mechanics unchanged—ergo, players tin can impairment their teammates. When set to false, nevertheless, players on the aforementioned team are prevented from direct damaging each other with melee attacks, bows, and Splash Potions of Harming. Note that players on the aforementioned team may still inflict negative status effects on each other with potions, even if <AllowFriendlyFire> is false. Some non-player entities in a team are likewise afflicted by this.
Information technology is important to note that each individual team member can but be on 1 team; teams cannot share entities.
Commands can be used to cheque whether team members exist by using target choice with the "team" argument. (The '!' character may be placed before a name to bank check for entities not on a team.) For case, inputting /execute if entity @a[squad=red]
into a control block provides comparator output if any player exists on the red team. Conversely, /execute if entity @a[team=!reddish]
provides output when there are no players on the scarlet team. /execute if entity @a[team=!]
allows output when whatsoever actor is on at least one team, and /execute if entity @a[team=]
allows output when no players are on any teams.
Command reference [ ]
For more details, meet Commands/scoreboard.
Objectives commands [ ]
Commands | Description |
scoreboard objectives list | List all existing objectives with their display names and criteria. |
scoreboard objectives add <objective> <criteria> [<displayName>][ Java Edition simply ] scoreboard objectives add <objective: cord> dummy [displayName: string][ Bedrock Edition simply ] | Create a new objective with the given internal objective proper name, specified criterion, and the optional display name. In Bedrock Edition, "dummy" is the only criterion currently supported. <displayName> defaults to <objective> when unspecified. Encounter above section for more on these arguments. |
scoreboard objectives remove <objective>[ Coffee Edition merely ] scoreboard objectives remove <objective: cord>[ Bedrock Edition only ] | Delete all references to the named objective in the scoreboard organisation. Data is deleted from the objectives list and score holders' scores, and if it was on a display listing it is no longer displayed. |
scoreboard objectives setdisplay <slot > [<objective ][ Java Edition but ] scoreboard objectives setdisplay <list|sidebar> [objective: string] [ascending|descending][ Bedrock Edition only ] scoreboard objectives setdisplay belowname [objective: string][ Bedrock Edition simply ] | Brandish score info for the objective in the given slot. Valid slots are listed and described in Display Slots. In Bedrock Edition, if slot is listing or sidebar , there is an additional optional argument ascending|descending to specify the sort order. Note that the objective parameter is optional; if no objective is provided, this display slot is cleared (returned to its default land). |
scoreboard objectives modify <objective> displayname <displayName> [ Java Edition just ] | Change the display proper noun of the scoreboard in display slots. |
scoreboard objectives alter <objective> rendertype (hearts|integer) [ Coffee Edition only ] | Change the display format of the histrion list. |
Players commands [ ]
Commands | Description |
scoreboard players list [<target>][ Java Edition only ] scoreboard players list [playername: target][ Bedrock Edition merely ] | Lists all score holders which are tracked in some way past the scoreboard system. The optional <target> or playername: target parameter is used to list the scores of particular score holders. |
scoreboard players get <target> <objective> [ Java Edition simply ] | Return the scoreboard value. |
scoreboard players ready <targets> <objective> <score>[ Java Edition merely ] scoreboard players set <player: targets> <objective: cord> <count: int>[ Bedrock Edition only ] | Gear up the targets' scores of the given objective, overwriting any previous score. |
scoreboard players add <targets> <objective> <score>[ Coffee Edition simply ] scoreboard players add together <player: targets> <objective: string> <count: int>[ Boulder Edition but ] | Increments the targets' scores in that objective by the given amount. |
scoreboard players remove <targets> <objective> <score>[ Java Edition only ] scoreboard players remove <player: targets> <objective: string> <count: int>[ Bedrock Edition just ] | Decrements the targets' scores in that objective past the given amount. |
scoreboard players random <actor: target> <objective: string> <min: int> <max: int> [ Bedrock Edition just ] | Sets the targets' scores in that objective to a random number betwixt min and max, both inclusive. |
scoreboard players reset <targets> [<objective>][ Java Edition only ] scoreboard players reset <actor: target> [objective: string][ Bedrock Edition only ] | Deletes score or all scores for the target. If <objective> is specified, then only that objective is cleared. Otherwise, this applies to all objectives. Note that this does not merely set the score(southward) to 0: it removes the targets from the scoreboard altogether (or for the given objective). |
scoreboard players test <player: target> <objective: cord> <min: wildcard int> [<max: wildcard int>] [ Boulder Edition just ] | Tests if targets' scores are within min: wildcard int and max: wildcard int (Defaults to ii,147,483,647). min: wildcard int can be replaced with asterisk (*) to represent -2,147,483,648, and max: wildcard int can be replaced with asterisk (*) to represent 2,147,483,647. |
scoreboard players enable <targets> <objective> [ Java Edition but ] | Enables the target player(s) to use the /trigger control on the specified objective. This command accepts non-player entities, but only players are able to actually use the /trigger command. Until this has been done, players that attempt to /trigger that objective neglect. Using the /trigger control disables it again. Note that if the target(s) did not previously take a score for the specified objective, this command will prepare their score to 0. |
scoreboard players functioning <targets> <targetObjective> <functioning> <source> <sourceObjective>[ Java Edition only ] scoreboard players functioning <player: target> <targetObjective: string> <performance: operator> <selector: target> <objective: cord>[ Bedrock Edition only ] | Applies an arithmetic operation altering the targets' score(s) in the target objective, using sources' scores in the source objective every bit input. <operation> may be:
In all cases except "><", source'southward score in the objective remains unchanged. In all cases except "><", source'southward score remains unchanged. If target or source isn't tracked past the specified objective, it will be gear up to 0. If more than one score holder is specified as sources, performs the performance once with each source's score. If more than 1 target score holder is specified, performs the operation for each target one by one. |
Tags commands [ ]
Teams commands [ ]
NBT format [ ]
The file scoreboard.dat in the 'data' folder of a Minecraft world stores the scoreboard data for that world as a GZip'd NBT file:
- The root tag.
- information: The scoreboard information.
- Objectives: A listing of compound tags representing objectives.
- An objective.
- CriteriaName: The criterion of this objective.
- DisplayName: The display proper noun of this objective in JSON. If none was specified during the objective'southward creation, this is set up to
{"text":"Value of Name"}
. - Name: The internal name of this objective.
- RenderType: The way the score is displayed. Tin can be "integer" or "hearts", just defaults to "integer".
- An objective.
- PlayerScores: A list of compound tags representing scores tracked past the scoreboard system.
- A tracked player/objective pair with a score.
- Score: The score this thespian has in this objective.
- Proper noun: The proper name of the thespian who has this score in this objective.
- Objective: The internal name of the objective which this player has this score in.
- Locked: i or 0 (true/false) - false if this objective is "enabled". Only meaningful for objectives with the criteria "trigger", where this must exist fake before a role player can use the /trigger command on it.
- A tracked player/objective pair with a score.
- Teams: A list of compound tags representing teams.
- A Squad.
- AllowFriendlyFire: 1 or 0 (true/faux) - true if players on this team can harm each other.
- SeeFriendlyInvisibles: 1 or 0 (true/imitation) - true if players on this team can see invisible teammates.
- NameTagVisibility: The value of the nametagVisibility selection of this team.
- DeathMessageVisibility: The value of the deathMessageVisibility pick of this team. Valid options are: never, hideForOtherTeams, hideForOwnTeam, always
- CollisionRule: The value of the collisionrule pick of this team. Valid options are: e'er, pushOwnTeam, never, pushOtherTeams
- DisplayName: The display name of this team in JSON. If none was specified during the team's creation, this is set to
{"text":"Value of Proper noun"}
. - Name: The internal name of this squad.
- MemberNamePrefix: The prefix prepended to names of players on this team. In JSON format.
- MemberNameSuffix: The suffix appended to names of players on this team. In JSON format
- TeamColor: The text-based colour ("black", "dark_blue", etc.) given to the squad. Does non exist if no color is prepare.
- Players: A list of names of players on this team.
- The name of a actor on this squad.
- A Squad.
- DisplaySlots: A set of slots which are displaying specific objectives. If a slot is empty, its tag is not present.
- slot_n : The internal name of the objective displayed (run across beneath).
- Objectives: A listing of compound tags representing objectives.
- information: The scoreboard information.
No. | Type | Name |
0 | Actor list | listing |
1 | On the sidebar | sidebar |
2 | Beneath the player's username | belowName |
three | Team color | |
4 | | |
five | sidebar.squad.dark_green | |
6 | | |
seven | | |
viii | | |
9 | | |
x | | |
xi | sidebar.squad.dark_gray | |
12 | | |
13 | | |
14 | sidebar.squad.aqua | |
15 | | |
xvi | sidebar.squad.light_purple | |
17 | | |
eighteen | |
History [ ]
Coffee Edition | |||||
one.5 | 13w04a | Added scoreboard. | |||
13w05a | Added team-based functionality. | |||| | 13w36a | Added statistic-based objective criteria. | |||
1.viii | 14w02a | Entities other than players tin can at present be part of teams and have objective scores. | |||
14w06a | Added the trigger and team impale-based objective criteria. | ||||
Added /scoreboard players enable . | |||||
"*" can exist used in a player name statement to represent all players tracked by the scoreboard. | |||||
Added the "objective" argument to /scoreboard players reset . | |||||
Statistic objective criteria now use named IDs instead of numerical IDs. | |||||
Added the achievement.overpowered objective benchmark. | |||||
14w07a | Added /scoreboard players operation and /scoreboard players test . | ||||
Scores for simulated players that have a name offset with "#" won't appear in the sidebar. | |||||
Added team-specific sidebar display slots. | |||||
Added the nametagVisibility team option. | |||||
14w10a | Added the deathMessageVisibility team pick. | ||||
Added a dataTag statement to /scoreboard players set , /scoreboard players add together , and /scoreboard players remove . | |||||
Added the stat.crouchOneCm , stat.sprintOneCm , and stat.timeSinceDeath objective criteria. | |||||
14w25a | Added = , < , and > to /scoreboard players operation . | ||||
14w29a | Histrion/entity names in the sidebar are now secondarily sorted past alphabetical order. | ||||
14w30a | Added the stat.talkedToVillager and stat.tradedWithVillager objective criteria. | ||||
? | Added >< to /scoreboard players operation . | ||||
1.viii.2 | Added the stat.cauldronFilled , stat.cauldronUsed , stat.armorCleaned , stat.bannerCleaned , stat.brewingstandInteraction , stat.beaconInteraction , stat.dropperInspected , stat.hopperInspected , stat.dispenserInspected , stat.noteblockPlayed , stat.noteblockTuned , stat.flowerPotted , stat.trappedChestTriggered , stat.enderchestOpened , stat.itemEnchanted , stat.recordPlayed , stat.furnaceInteraction , stat.craftingTableInteraction , stat.chestOpened objective criteria. | ||||
1.ix | 15w32a | Added the stat.sneakTime objective criteria. | |||
15w32b | Added /scoreboard players tag . | ||||
Added the xp , food , and air objective types. | |||||
15w33a | Added the stat.pickup and stat.drop objective criteria. | ||||
Added the armor , level objective types. | |||||
15w36a | Added collisionRule . | ||||
15w49a | Added the stat.aviateOneCm objective criteria. | ||||
1.thirteen | pre7 | Added /scoreboard objectives modify . | |||
pre8 | Added /scoreboard objectives modify <objectiveName> rendertype hearts , which makes health bars display every bit hearts, like this: ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | ||||
Added /scoreboard objectives change <objectiveName> rendertype integer , which makes health bars display equally yellow numbers. | |||||
Objective names are at present text components, non raw strings. | |||||
1.xiii.i | 18w31a | Changed the scoreboard operator %= from using % to Math.floorMod . | |||
i.18 | 21w37a | Removed 16-grapheme length limits for scoreboards, score holders and squad names. | |||
Bedrock Edition | |||||
1.7.0 | beta 1.7.0.ii | Added basic scoreboard mechanics. | |||
Added dummy scoreboards. |
Issues [ ]
Issues relating to "Scoreboard" are maintained on the bug tracker. Report issues at that place.
References [ ]
Versions |
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Evolution |
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Technical |
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Multiplayer |
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Game customization |
How To Remove A Scoreboard In Minecraft,
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